“Cannabis Queer” is a self-published book written by British author Michael Bloomfield. He tackles the common misconceptions that people have about cannabis, as well as offering his own personal opinion on the matter. He claims to have taken marijuana and smoked it for many years, and has now become a leading member of the British Hemp Party. Here is an overview of his book and where it can be purchased.
Bloomfield starts the book with a personal story, recounting his first experience using marijuana. He then delves into the common misconceptions that many people have about cannabis. He shows why cannabis should not be classed as a dangerous drug, while at the same time showing how often it is used incorrectly, with the potential to cause all sorts of problems in the user’s life. The book ends with a summary of how cannabis can ruin your life.
The author begins his account by briefly describing the history of cannabis, providing some context for his account. He claims to have used cannabis at least four or five times in his life, starting when he was still a teenager. According to Bloomfield, it was the initial experience of smoking that created the confusion and aversion that many associate with cannabis. Later, he decided to quit, and has since become an advocate of the herb. In his book, he relates the stories of people who also started as teens and have since become adults, explaining that it is important to understand the reasons why someone uses drugs. He also provides research and statistics that prove the positive effects that regular cannabis consumption can have on mental and physical health.
graines northern lights féminisée Some of the stories in the book are a bit graphic, but it is important to remember that this is all part of the therapy that Bloomfield is providing through his organization, the Hemp Party. As a former member of the London punk scene, Bloomfield knows what it means to be trapped in a life-long addiction to weed. He relates the stories of other former addicts, many of which are quite graphic, but provides insight into the inner workings of drug use, especially for those who are still young. The best part of the book is when he gets back to his home to discuss what he has learned. It is hard to take everything in at once, but reading about the struggles and pitfalls of life on the streets after being a dedicated user of cannabis, along with seeing how others have coped, makes it easier to understand and judge the future.
What I liked about this book is that he does not glorify cannabis. Instead, he offers a sobering view of what it entails. Some of the stories are disturbing, but all are meant to be informative. His message is not to glorify marijuana, but rather to present a serious look into the negative consequences of using cannabis. It is an interesting look at the world that exists around cannabis.
I liked that Bloomfield not only promotes the beneficial aspects of cannabis use, but he also offers information about how recreational weed use can lead to dangerous habits. I personally don’t like the fact that he laments marijuana and all the negative things that come with it. However, as a reader, I do think he nails some points and offers a good critique of our society’s marijuana use. While some people will undoubtedly read this book and scoff, I personally think this is a very valuable book. Although not everyone will take to it like Bloomfield, it is worth a read.